Product Description are engaged in offering huge range of Tray Dryer / Tray Oven that is manufactured using extreme quality of raw material. These are having high performance in processing of vermicelli, noodle and food processing industries with excellent durability. We do complete quality checking and performance measure of these machines as to ensure maintained quality and excellent performance.
Vermicelli, made from either refined wheat flour (Maida) or semolina (Soji) was subjected to drying in the hot air oven at temperatures ranging from 30 to 95 C for 30 to 60 min at each temperature. The vermicelli samples thus obtained were evaluated for cooking quality. Vermicelli of good quality can be obtained by drying the extruded vermicelli at 30, 45, 85 and 95 C for 60, 30, 30 and 60 min, respectively. The results could be of benefit to the small scale manufacturers of vermicelli in improving the quality.